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ITS HIGH NOON is a 2 page, coin-flipping, western TTRPG where you play as outlaws looking to make a quick buck. You solve very problem that comes your way  with shootin', and shootin' is resolved with gamblin'. But, the more shootin' you do, the higher your bounty goes, and the more lawmen take notice...leadin' to even more shootin'!

Ya' Might Learn Somethin'

Gather A Band of Misfits

     ITS HIGH NOON plays like most other TTRPGs. One person acts as the game master (GM), while the others are player characters (outlaws). You may have a session zero to establish your particular setting and build the outlaws that will be wanderin' the west. Character building is a simple task. Each outlaw need only choose a temperament and an occupation (both of which give perks for special abilities and bonus items/money). From there, drop the outlaws in the west and see how things develop. 

A Greenhorn's Basics

     The main mechanic of ITS HIGH NOON is a betting system in which participating characters place 1 bet each, flip coins equaling the value of that bet, then compare the value of each character's face-up coins. The character with the highest result is the victor. This betting system is used for determining draw speed (turn order) and shootin', meaning all encounters are based around shootin' in contests (non-lethal) and duels (lethal).  

Let Me Spin You A Yarn

Gun Slingin' Western

     While the game mechanics lean towards a goofy play style, you can run a serious western campaign using ITS HIGH NOON. Below are some story prompts for this type of campaign.

*Blood And Money

     It was the perfect score until the outlaws got into the bank's vault and found it empty. Now they're left holding all the bounty and none of the payout...good thing their betrayer left some clues behind.

*The Bullhorn Gang

     The outlaws return to their favorite saloon, only to find the town's sheriff gunned down, and a group of ne'er-do-wells has taken over. Come to find out, they're part of a much larger gang, and the town will never truly be safe until the leader is dealt with.

*The Legend

     For years it seemed that the age of gunslingers was coming to an end. Then a new fighter rose to prominence. One after another, he defeated the best of the west until no challenger remained. He gained fame, fortune and everything that goes with them. Then, when he had achieved more than most men can dream of, he issued a challenge: "To the man who can best me in a duel, I offer all of my fortunes!"

Weird and Wacky West

     The standard setting will likely have lots of strange and silly situations, influenced by the rule's propensity to resolve every problem with shootin'. Below are some story prompts for this type of campaign.

*The Devil To Pay

     The outlaws used to be 1 member stronger before he was brutally shot dead over a trifle. Now, the outlaws are on a mission to find the one who done it. Only they don't know if it was a man or a demon.

*The Hunt for Sleazy Slim

     The people of a certain backwater town are acting profoundly unusual. Not 1 of them will agree to participate in a contest or duel for any reason. The outlaws find out that a mean-spirited con man turned gunslinger is to blame and must track him down to get everyone's weapons returned to them.

*A Dollar A Bullet

     A tremendously egotistical marshal has the outlaws in his crosshairs and continuously sends other criminals up against them in a sick sort of contest for their freedom.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

ITS HIGH NOON, 16X9.pdf 869 kB
ITS HIGH NOON, A4.pdf 1.1 MB
ITS HIGH NOON 16X9 PNGs .zip 6.5 MB
Blank Character Sheet Fillable.pdf 412 kB
Pregenerated Character Sheets.pdf 108 MB
(Optional Rule) Enviromental Challenges.pdf 510 kB

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